Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Notes 3/23/16

-digital photography allows us to create a reality, instead of capturing it
-collections from the internet and morphed to make a photograph without a camera
-Nancy Burson: used video technologies to create portraits from previous ones over time
-desired to create ideal beauty portrait based on beauties of the time combined
-created archetype of what the ideal beauty is
-archetype of dictators with similar personalities to create a morph of all the people with a commonality
-Daniel Lee: combined peoples' faces with various animal faces from Chinese zodiac
-photographic surface is 2-D and he wanted to create something that had never been done before
-Christopher Dorley-Brown: went to tiny town in England to take a series of portraits from 2,000 people to combine people from the same age groups and genders, and the people end up looking the same
-Jason Salavon: took 100 centerfold images from the internet and blends them into an image to show a common theme for those models
-lighter skin, better lighting, and different hair color occur over time
-blurring the images makes you wonder what you are looking at
-100 Special Moments are from combining of common American events like weddings, Santa Claus at Christmas, and graduation photos
-makes us question how we categorize our photos and shows us common life events
-Loretta Lux: uses children of family members and friends to create an archetype of the child to show the psychological personality of them, usually creates her own backdrop also
-there is often a detachment and unusual proportions in the children
Gillian Wearing: Album; photographs herself on her family members from old albums
-made masks and body suits to be as close to the real people as possible
-Craig Kalpakjian: wanted to create work that looked like corporate spaces by how he remembers them

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